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One-to-One Coaching

If you would like expert advice and guidance in a specific area of your job search then you have landed in the right place.


I’ve taken all I know across a number of key job search areas and created 9 one-to-one coaching sessions that will help you to master certain areas of your job search from creating a “Clear and Achievable Action Plan” to understanding “Psychometric Assessments” and how they can be used to your advantage!  Bet you didn’t know you could do that!


I have cobbled together a quick video to give you more insight into how these Masterclasses can help you to accelerate your job search ensuring you get more interviews and land more job offers. 

“Gary is so right, there really is only one way to write a CV.  His advice and guidance was spot on and while he was direct and certainly takes no prisoners, the result was I had a CV that perfectly encapsulated everything about my experience, qualifications and skills. Within a two days I had three interviews”


- Fiona, Office Manager

Whether you are in a secure role (that is not moving you toward your Career Vision) or unemployed (through redundancy or otherwise) everyone needs to have a very clear idea of what is next and then a very clear plan on how to achieve it. 


These Masterclasses are designed to give very specific and targeted advice in areas that you may need help in rather than a full Career Coaching programme.  


So whether you need help with getting your Job Search started with a detailed and actionable plan or just to create a door opening CV – there is a Masterclass that can help you to quickly learn all the latest secrets and techniques that will accelerate your job search and get you more interviews, help with your confidence and interview technique and in so doing landing your dream job faster! 


Below I have provided a bit more information on what you can expect in each Masterclass.  


These can be bought individually for a limited time reduced fee. See each Masterclass for exact pricing details. 


Decide to decide wisely and invest in yourself – having a coach in your corner will ensure you get that perfect job quicker and that you get paid what you desire and deserve.



This is a 2 x 30 minute one-to-one masterclass with Gary.


Gary will show you what is important to have on your front page and how to make your CV standout from the crowed and found by Application Tracking Software (ATS) that look for key words in your CV.  There are several does and don’ts to make sure your CV is optimised correctly.


  • Together we will build your new CV from scratch

  • Make sure that it becomes a door opener

  • That it grabs the attention of any human reader

  • That it is ATS optimised 

  • The perfect length for your experience

  • Is achievement focussed

  • Aligns with the job you want

  • Highlights your experience, skills and qualifications in the right way

  • Shouts “YOU MUST INTERVIEW THIS CANDIDATE” but more subtly 


Your new CV will open doors, will be noticed, will be picked up by ATS and will get you more interviews. 

Without an optimised LinkedIn Profile you are missing opportunities!

This is a 2 x 30 minute one-to-one masterclass with Gary.


Let me be frank here! It frustrates the hell out of me when someone calls me and says they don’t understand why they don’t get contacted for interviews.  Then when I look at their LinkedIn Profile – it is only 50% complete or less!? – even 90% complete is not good enough when you are looking for a new role!

Your LinkedIn Profile is now more important than your CV – FACT!

Don’t believe me?  Then someone else is getting the job you are qualified for – because they took the time to 100% complete and optimise their LinkedIn Profile!


  • I will review and critique your current profile

  • Help you to identify and draw out your skills, expertise, and experience

  • Help you to optimise every part of your profile so it will appear in recruiter searches

  • Show you how each part works together to make you more discoverable 

  • Show you how to identify, target and connect with prospective employers/recruiters


Together we will build an attention-grabbing profile that will attract recruiters – even while you sleep!

CV Creator & LinkedIn Masterclass
Gary Collins Master Class

CV & LinkedIn Critique

Just one or two tweaks can make all the difference

This is a 3 x 30 minute one-to-one masterclass with Gary.


Unsure if your CV and/or Linked Profile is up to scratch – has the beating of the competition?


Very important – “You often only know, what you didn’t know when it’s too late!”


Gary will review and critique your CV and LinkedIn Profile and offer instruction on what needs to be changed and improved so that you can create:


  • A CV that opens doors and is fully ATS optimised

  • A LinkedIn Profile that Grabs Attention and is optimised for recruiter searches 


Together these will help you get more interviews and land more job offers!

So you have the Interview...
Now What?

This is a 3 x 30 minute one-to-one masterclass with Gary.


Sadly, and somewhat frustratingly this is where I see candidates fall down more than anywhere else.


It is a crying shame that people spend time getting their CV right, optimising their LinkedIn Profile – then yippee getting invited to interview and…. Well nothing … no preparation or poor preparation, not knowing how to prepare properly, just turning up to answer a series of questions…. believing that the interview is a one-way process, that they have no control!?


Yet all of this can so easily be rectified – if you prepare for an interview properly, you arrive more confident, you perform much better, you are more able to control the interview and have more poise and gravitas.  If you want to learn…


  • How to prepare like a boss

  • How to increase your confidence

  • What questions to prepare for

  • What questions to ask

  • How to control your nerves

  • How to leave a lasting impression (the right one that is)


Then book that video call and smash your next interview!

Image by Carl Heyerdahl
Confidence, Self-belief, Poise. 

This is a 3 x 30 minute one-to-one masterclass with Gary.


This one can be a bit trickier and to be honest can in some cases take more than just the allocated 4 sessions.  However, within the allocated time I will teach you a number of techniques and tricks to help you be more confident, reduce your nerves and ultimately to have the mindset of the person that is going to be offered the job! 


If you turn-up with the right mindset – you smash the interview and position yourself in the interviewer’s mind as the candidate to beat! Or more importantly the candidate they want.  I have had clients cancel all other booked interviews because someone as turned-up and blown them away – no need to continue interviewing! 


This doesn’t happen by accident – I can teach you pre-interview rituals and tactics that will give you the mindset to turn-up and own the interview.

Interview Technique

This is the real eye opener

This is a 3 x 30 minute one-to-one masterclass with Gary.

This is where you get to see yourself interviewed.  We will set-up a zoom meeting and I will conduct a mock interview – 30 minutes in length – asking you technical questions as well as some competency-based questions. All while I am recording the meeting.  


We will then watch it back together and I will critique your interview technique. 


We will look at:

  • Pace

  • Tonality

  • Body language

  • Thinking before answering

  • Using your prepared answers 

  • Length of answers

  • Content and structure of answers

  • Going off on tangents

  • Eye contact

  • Controlling the interview

  • Building rapport and a few more bits to boot! 


This really can be a very challenging Masterclass, but can identify issues that cause you to fail at interview and can be very easily rectified once you know what they are.

Image by Headway
Change is afoot – but no one will listen

This is a 4 x 30 minute one-to-one masterclass with Gary.


Change at any stage of your career can be very daunting, tricky, and frustrating.  You know where you want to go and that you can get there but no one will listen! I have been there myself many times – look at About Gary section for details! 


Career change is very possible and indeed exciting, challenging, reinvigorating, and rewarding.  But, it can be difficult to know where to start and how to build momentum, how to get anyone to consider you. 


To be honest an hour is very limiting in terms of supporting anyone through a career change, but in this time I can assist you with: 

  • Ascertaining if you have the transferable skills to move to your desired career

  • How to identify and present these transferable skills

  • What potential training you might need to consider doing 

  • How to interact with recruiters in your desired career space

  • How to build a new network

  • How to use your existing and new network to make the change

  • How to gain more knowledge of you desired career

It is worth saying that while every career change is possible, and I really encourage people to follow their dreams and do what makes them happy! It is important to be realistic and prepared, in some cases, to take salary cuts, start from a lower level than you currently are or even be prepared to do more study. I can help you gain clarity on all of this! 

Gain an insight into what prospective employers see

This is a 4 x 30 minute one-to-one masterclass with Gary.


Gary will arrange for you to take a Mcquaig Psychometric Assessment – one of the market leading psychometric tests.


Gary is a level 2 qualified assessor so is able to assist you in understanding exactly what the results mean and how you can use these to benefit you – so putting the shoe on the other foot!   


You will be absolutely amazed at what prospective employers get to see about you and your soft skills.  They really get under the hood! Not only that, but the results of your assessment creates a number of specific interview questions that allow interviewers to prob even deeper into any highlighted weaknesses.  


They know what you are good and bad at before you even arrive. Powerful Stuff – unless you have the jump on them and know what they have seen! 


Understanding what a prospective employer may see about your intrinsic character, personality, working style, temperament etc and how they will use this information to their benefit in interview – IS MASSIVELY ADVANTAGEOUS! 




Want to know what they know?

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work."


- Steve Jobs

Job Search Action Plan

Where do I start?

This is a 1 hour one-to-one masterclass with Gary.


This is a question that everyone asks themselves – whether you have been made redundant, looking for a career change or just ready for a new challenge – most people don’t start with a well-defined, clear and achievable action plan for their job search.


This can mean that you don’t know exactly what you are looking for an it can therefore end up taking a lot longer than it needs to, you can turn up for interview not 100% committed and you can ultimately end up in the wrong job – in some cases again!


So, I will help you to: 

  • Identify what is the ultimate goal, ideal nay dream job!

  • What needs to be done to achieve this goal as quickly and efficiently as possible

  • What needs to change, what needs to improve, what tools do you need 

  • Create a daily and weekly action plan with SMART goals

  • This will keep you on target and motivated with checks along the way to keep you accountable and on track to land your dream job


Without a plan you are just blowing on the wind! 

So there you have it – 9 bespoke one-to-one Masterclasses designed to help you master each aspect of your job search. 


If you have any questions please click here  and let me know


Let me finish by saying - please don’t delay as these prices really are only around for a limited time as I have a limited number of hours in my day! 


Think about this - If you are not signing up, then the person that will get the job you want probably is.


This may all look like scare tactics, and maybe to a degree it is – but only to make you sit up and smell the coffee – because I really do want to help people with their job search! 


But the truth is I can’t do that until you decide to help yourself.

You see, you can keep doing things the same way and keep getting the same results 


You can decide to change, invest in yourself and get new and improved results


Decide where you need help and then get a coach to get you there so much faster – saving you time, frustration, anxiety and money.


The Choice is Yours

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