This is my 12 week one-to-one Premium Coaching Programme that has been honed over 2 decades of advising Senior Executives the World over.
This is my premium Coaching Programme that has been honed over 2 decades of advising Senior Executives the World over.
This will truly help you to define, find and land your ideal next role on your dream career path.
I will be with you every step of the way ensuring that every part of your job search is on point – from creating a door opening CV to negotiating the best package “you will not walk alone” and never have to think is this what I am doing right?
“Trial & Error” = “Mistakes & Time” = “Stress and Money”
Headhunter Advantage = Tried & tested formula = saves stress, guesswork, time, money, anxiety.
What do you want more of?
Whether you are in a secure role (that is not moving you toward your Career Vision) or unemployed (through redundancy or otherwise) everyone needs to have a very clear idea of what is next and then a very clear plan on how to achieve it.
This programme is design to start exactly there – get clarity, get a plan of action and then build and use the tools (CV, LinkedIn Profile, Network, Targeted Reverse Search) and build the confidence and poise to literally smash interviews and position yourself as the top candidate for any role.
All of the above can of course be done by yourself but like all things “trial & error”, means “mistakes & time” which is fine when you are baking a cake, in fact it brings some fun and challenge – but “mistakes & time” are the last thing you need when looking for a new role.
The alternative of course is to have a guide or mentor – someone that has been there done it and can teach you the recipe of success - not only do you get there quicker (what can time wasted mean in lost earnings alone) but you generally have more choice and you have someone that can advise you, motive you, teach you, believe in you and keep you accountable.
Think about this if you will:
Without Clarity – You have no direction and don’t know where you are going.
Without a plan – You are blowing in the wind, going nowhere, losing belief
Without a Modern CV – You are not opening all doors or being found by ATS?
Without an Optimised LinkedIn Profile – You are missing out on untold opportunities
Without Confidence – You are not memorable
Without the right Preparation – You will fail, because others will be prepared
Without Good Interview Technique – you appear less than you really are
Without a Mentor – Are you doing everything correctly and at 100%?
Without a Guide – Are you tenaciously and confidently targeting your dream outcomes?
All or any of the above will result in a much longer and more painful job search that will erode your confidence. This will ultimately result in you taking any job, more likely beneath your experience and abilities and stunt your overall career.
I have seen the above happen to candidates repeatedly over the past 2 decades and it is all very easy to avoid.
That is exactly why I have turned from Headhunter to Career Coach as I know the difference I can make to anyone’s Job Search.
My programme has been designed to help my clients in all areas – it truly is the most complete career coaching progamme available and is designed to….
Get you more interviews
Get you back to work quicker
Land the job of your dreams
Get you onto the career path your desire
Give you clarity, drive action, and keep you accountable
Build your confidence, self-belief and self-esteem

We are all so busy being busy that sometimes we don’t have time to take stock and keep ourselves on track. This means that we often start to settle rather than push ourselves to achieve our dreams and be the best version of ourselves in our lives and careers.
This can have a huge impact on us personally as well as those we love.
I will help you to identify what is important in your career and how this aligns with the rest of your life. I know that we are all different, we all have our individual dreams, strengths, weaknesses, goals, loves, hates, fears all of which create who we are what we want from life and what we want and need from our jobs and careers.
For this very reason I start all my new coaching relationships with an introductory chat to establish if we are indeed aligned to be able to work together. I am a firm believer we should only work with people that we can like, trust and get on with. Our relationship will be no different! In fact this is imperative for us to really get you the success that you desire. This introductory chat is free and there is absolutely no obligation on either of us to move forward.
This chat of course takes time and is the basis for us to move to the next level if we mutually agree to work together…
For this reason if you are serious about getting the “Headhunter Advantage” and getting me in your corner – please book a time for our call.
My programme and its content has been developed by me over 2 decades as an Executive Headhunter working with senior executives that I have advised, guided and placed on 6 continents in 33 different Cities. I know this stuff works!
What Joan said ...
“Just knowing that Gary supporting me brought an immediate and immense sense of relief, calm and purpose which enabled me to focus and believe in myself again. This alone was priceless!”
Pieter said ...
“I was blown away by how quickly Gary took me from panicked and anxious to having a clear action plan with a CV that I felt proud of. His ongoing advice was amazing and he helped me through every interview giving me the confidence to really turn-up and show myself in the best light.”
While each programme is individually tailored and delivered over a 12 week period. The following is a guide to what you can expect:
After our initial onboarding chat - we would move to a 60-90 minute fact find video call/meeting to ascertain exactly where you are in your job search or career journey, how this aligns with the rest of your life and aspirations and exactly how I can help you to achieve your next level.
The “Head Hunter Advantage” gives you access to all of the online-course content and resources.
You will also be able to take advantage of any or indeed all the Masterclass Modules.
I will help you rebuild your CV, create an awesome LinkedIn Profile that positions you head and shoulders above the competition.
I will help you to proactively use your network and use LinkedIn to approach target companies and hiring managers / recruiters. Using premium accounts, messaging, and creating an online network.
I will help you to prepare for interviews and give you the confidence and poise to smash each interview through the entire interview process.
As I have already mentioned and indeed stressed in the above video - the most important aspect of this programme is having an experienced career coach and mentor supporting you through your job search process - speaking to you weekly to keep you accountable and on track! This really is invaluable!
I will be there every step of the way to make sure you are successful!

There really is no more complete career coaching programme out there.
This 12 week programme will included access to all of my courses and circa 15 hours of direct time with me.
Each person is different, and requires an individual programme, I will be there to make sure you are successful whatever that requires over the 12 weeks!
The usual cost of this Programme is £5,990
For a limited time I am offering this amazing all-inclusive 12 week premium
coaching programme.
£3,997 all inclusive
It is important to note that I have a limited number of slots each week to take on new Premium Clients so please act quickly if you want to take advantage of this limited time offer.
For more detail on my Career Coaching Programme – click below to book a consultation time with me
When thinking about investing in the “Headhunter Advantage” consider this.
What is having a tried and tested Headhunter on your side worth
What questions do I usually have that I don’t know where to turn for answers.
What will not having the “Headhunter Advantage” cost you in time, money & stress
Doing this programme will on average help you get back to work 3 months quicker – what is that worth in your salary?
Doing this programme will help you negotiate between 15-30% more in package – what is that worth?
Knowing you have someone to advise you, guide you, be a sounding board, give you confidence, encourage you, believe in you – massively reduces stress.
So, there it is, if you really want:
To get back to work quicker
To be paid what you deserve and desire
More interviews
More offers
Someone to keep you accountable, be your sounding board
Someone to help create clarity and develop a daily and weekly action plan that will deliver results quicker!